My name's Daniel.
I just turned 7 years old.

Mom missed my birthday.
She was asleep all day.
She usually is.

Yesterday a man and some police knocked on the door.
The man introduced himself. He told me he was from
Family Services.

"Let's pack some of your things."

I was confused but all the man told me was,

"Mommy's sick. Grandma's going
to take care of you until
Mommy feels better."

"I love you,"

Mom said squeezing me tightly.

"I promise we'll be back
together soon."

Like 1 in every 3 foster children,
I was removed from my parent's care due to their drug abuse.

It's been 9 months since I've seen Mom now.

Grandma needed to go to the hospital today,
so the Man picked me up again.

He took me to a new home with people I'd never met.

"I promise I'll be back in a few days, this family will take care of you until then."

The man visited again a few days later.

"Daniel, I'm sorry.
Grandma has passed away.
You're going to have to stay
here for a little longer."

I'm scared. I don't like it here. I miss Grandma. I miss Mom.

My name's Daniel.
I just turned 12 years old.

I still haven't seen my Mom since I left home 5 years ago.

We used to talk on the phone every couple months,
but she struggles to even form sentences anymore.

Yesterday I was moved to my eigth placement home.
I guess it's because I don't get along with others.

But this time I was placed in a housing facility.
Now I'll be sharing my room with 4 others.

There aren't any foster parents here.
Just the staff and lots of kids.
They watch us 24 hours a day.
They schedule each of my meals.
They don't let me outside.

The only way I'll leave is through adoption,
but I'm getting too old for that to happen.

I'm always anxious. I think I'm depressed.

Like 4 in every 5 foster children,
I started suffering from significant mental health issues.

So like 1 in every 3 foster children,
I was prescribed antidepressants.

My name is Daniel.
I just turned 17 years old.

I spent my birthday in juvenile detention.

Because like 50% of all foster youth my age,
and 90% of all youth with 5 or more placements,
I was arrested and convicted of a crime.

And like 50% of all foster youth, I will not be graduating from high school.

Education wasn't my priority anyways.

Not when only 3% of foster youth earn a college degree.

My name is Daniel. I am about to turn 21.

Because I was never adopted, I will age out of the foster care system on my birthday.

They won't let me stay in the foster homes anymore,
and I will lose any benefits the state provided to me.

The day of my birthday,

Like 1 in every 4 youth aging out,
I will be instantly homeless.

And within 2 years,
like 1 in every 4 youth,
I expect to be incarcerated.

My future is bleak.

I always wonder what could have changed that.